On January 14th, 2020, iFunny user _Nezuko_Kamado_ reposted the image, with the post accumulating over 25,300 smiles in one year. For example, on December 4th, 2019, Redditor milesbt posted a screenshot to /r/ihadastroke subreddit, where it gained over 39,100 upvotes in six months. In the following months, screenshots of the post saw viral spread online. The post received over 800 upvotes in /r/FortNiteBR prior to being removed. The post is presumed to be ironic and is the only post submitted by the account. On September 7th, 2019, Redditor ThiccJames made a post titled 'Add Skin with big boob And sex in the Game' in /r/FortNiteBR subreddit, writing that they like 'big boob' and requesting that sex was added to the game (shown below).